2000 | india-seminar.com
THE National Commission for the Review of the Working of the Constitution was created by the present NDA government amidst protest by the opposition and a sizable section of lawpersons, fearing that it was set up to effectuate the political agenda of the NDA on issues, among others, relating to the presidential form of government, (in)eligibility of persons of foreign origin for holding public office, secularism and so on. Justice M.N. Venkatchalliah, former Chief Justice of India, and the commission’s chairperson, put paid to some of these fears by publicly stating that the commission will not seek to tamper with the basic structure of the Constitution which includes, but is not limited to, secularism, parliamentary form of government, separation of powers and so on.
Submissions to the National Commission for the Review of the Working of the Constitution.Read More »