Electronic Publications [eBook]

Counter-report to the VHP’s application for ECOSOC status

The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), a key element of India’s right-wing Hindu fundamentalist movement, has applied for for General Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

This paper contends that the VHP is not eligible for ECOSOC status. The organisation has been instrumental in instigating and carrying out violent attacks, destruction of property and religious monuments, forced conversions and other activities targeted against Muslim and Christians minority groups. Its actions violate a number of domestic and international laws. It does not fulfil the principles and spirit of the UN Charter upon which ECOSOC’s work is founded. SAHRDC suggests that ECOSOC consider the severity of these violations when it reviews the VHP’s application.

The report presents the history and philosophy of VHP; provides an account of violence committed against Muslims and Christians; and explains the roots of the Hindu fundamentalist movement and the methods utilised by the VHP to further its agenda.


Banning JI not the answer: rights advocate

5 October  2005 | The Age Online
By Christopher Kremmer
BANNING Jemaah Islamiah would be a knee-jerk reaction that would not prevent bombings such as those in Bali and could make terrorism even harder to eliminate, a respected Indian human rights campaigner and former prisoner has warned.

Ravi Nair — who spent a year in New Delhi’s notorious Tihar jail under emergency laws in the 1970s and who now heads the South Asia Human Rights Documentation Centre in New Delhi — is in Sydney at the invitation of the Edmund Rice Centre, a faith-based research and advocacy group.

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