Big bully finds another slave

January 15, 2003 | The Hindustan Times
By Ravi Nair
The recent signing of a bilateral agreement between the US and India — not to surrender each other’s nationals to the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) — once again emphasises the lack of informed Indian foreign policy thinking, if any, on such issues. The South Block’s readiness to sign on the dotted line at Washington’s foggy bottom diktats once again underlines how isolated the present Indian government’s foreign policy is. 

The fact is that the European Union has collectively rejected such immunity agreements. With all its arm-twisting, Washington has only been able to enlist 16 acolytes to offer it absolution.


HR principles erode at UN

16 December 2002 | Dawn
By Marwaan Macan-Markar
BANGKOK: Asian human rights activists ended a week-long conference here on Friday determined to stall what they call the steady erosion of human rights principles and practices within the UN system.

Most troubling to some of the over 500 participants who attended the Asian Civil Society Forum 2002 here was an assault by governments on the global body’s human rights mechanisms and institutions, including the Geneva-based UN Commission on Human Rights (CHR).


Kashmir’s Leaders Struggle to Deal With Feared Police

24 November 2002 | The Washington Post | Page A32
By Rama Lakshmi
SRINAGAR, India — The three young guests left as soon as the wedding feast ended. It was not safe to be out late on the streets of Srinagar. As they sped along on their motor scooter, relatives said, the men were stopped at a security checkpoint outside the city and an officer of India’s feared counterinsurgency police, the Special Operations Group, emerged from the shadows and began to question them. That was not a good sign.


Human Rights Literacy

16 November 2002
Economic & Political Weekly, Vol.37 No.46
Knowledge is power. In few other fields is the saying as true as in the struggle for rights and justice. News about global developments in human rights is sparse. A recent issue of Human Rights Features (HRF) (July-September 2002) brings this home all too clearly. It is published by the South Asia Human Rights Documentation Centre at New Delhi. Its executive director, Ravi Nair, began as a trade unionist and braved police harassment to emerge as not only India’s foremost expert on human rights, but as one with an international repute.


Dalits to Draw World Attention to Caste Discrimination

27 July 2002 | The Hindu
By our Special Correspondent

Jaipur, July 21: Dalit human rights activists have warned that Durban was only a “trailer” and the real action would take place at such international conclaves in future.  “The world’s eyes are on India where the greatest racial discrimination after the Apartheid is being perpetuated on the basis of caste,” the speakers at a lecture on “Bringing accountability to issues of Dalit rights in Rajasthan’ cautioned.


UN system: Mechanism to remedy human rights violations

June 2002
Justice and Peace
Newsletter of Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (Thailand)
The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) of Thailand hosted and co-organised, with ACPP-Hotline Asia, a training on an ‘Introduction to the UN System: Mechanisms to Remedy Human Rights Violation’ on 9-13 June 2002 at the Assumption Personnel Development Center, Bangkok, Thailand. This training was organised in response to a request made at the 2001 Justice and Peace Worker’s networking meeting in Manila.

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