The Asia–Pacific regional national human rights institutions network is represented by India’s National Human Rights Commission on the management committee of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions. This, despite the membership of the commission to the alliance having recently been deferred for a year.
THE Sub-Committee of Accreditation (SCA) of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), at its meeting from March 20 to 24, deferred the re-accreditation application of the National Human Rights Commission of India (NHRC) for twelve months (or two sessions). This was done pursuant to Article 15 of the GANHRI Statute.
The SCA considered applications for re-accreditation from the national human rights institutions (NHRIs) of India and eight other countries.
Shh! Silence does not beget transparency
The silence of the NHRC, the Union government, most Indian non-government organisations (NGOs), the overwhelming genuflecting Indian news media, the Asia–Pacific Forum (the Asia–Pacific regional NHRI network), and the GANHRI has been curious, to say the least.
Pursuant to Article 14.1 of the GANHRI Statute, the SCA took a decision regarding the re-accreditation of the NHRIs of India, and two other countries.
The NHRC surprisingly enjoyed ‘A’ status at GANHRI. This, in spite of the same recommendations in 2017. The process of re-accreditation is done every five years.
NHRC’s international accreditation deferred: No one batting with a straight batRead More »